Rollout Ceremony

Rollout Ceremony

Warmly celebrate the successful production of the first batch of diesel engines in the new factory.

Only a few days after the relocation, the first batch of diesel engine has come off the assembling line successfully with the concerted efforts of all employees. This batch of products will go abroad and be delivered to customers.

Using advanced equipment to manufacture high-quality products, the equipment supplier has contributed to the successful production by working overtime to continuously optimize and debug the equipment, which improves the stability of the equipment and lays a foundation for mass production. At the same time, our technical department prepare the most suitable production process by deeply communicating with equipment manufacturers, improved production efficiency according to the characteristics of new production lines and new equipment. The success of this production is also inseparable from the close cooperation of various departments. Under the leadership of the production department, the front-line employees with many years of production experience overcome difficulties and retrain and relearn, take making high-quality products as their own responsibility,finially complete the delivery of the first batch of products with high efficiency and quality.